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14. April 2022

Reusable protective suits with high performance technology

Comprehens No supply bottlenecks
„Unsere Produkte schützen Ersteinsatzkräfte bei den Feuerwehren, im Industriebereich und auch im medizinischen Bereich; der aktuellen Situation geschuldet, natürlich auch gegen das Coronavirus. Wir versorgen unsere Kunden national aber auch international mit Schutzanzügen MADE IN GERMANY. Das bedeutet heute und in Zukunft eine nachhaltige Sicherstellung ohne Lieferengpässe“, so ein offizielles Statement aus dem Hause TESIMAX.

Superior protection from reusable suits
With the ESK 3 series, TESIMAX offers one-piece virus protective suits in various designs. The range includes versions that are compatible with external ventilation systems. A key selling point of the ESK 3 series suits is their reusability:
With a storage/service life of up to ten years, they eliminate the risk of the supply bottlenecks that can occur with limited use protection suits.

Model overview

This one-piece protective suit features a balaclava inside the hood to ensure a secure closure for respiratory masks. Made from high-quality materials in outstanding workmanship, it is breathable and comfortable to wear. Available in sizes 164 to 194 cm, this reusable suit is naturally washable. Its colour is turquoise.

In addition to the features of the ANTIVIR ONE, this model has foot straps, drip cuffs and butyl cuff seals on the arms.

ESK 3 ANTIVIR personal protective equipment & accessories
The ESK 3 series includes aprons with head covering as well as an extensive range of accessories, such as powered air respiratory systems, gloves, eye protection and boots.

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