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Chemical protection clothing – Service Pool


TESIMAX CPS Service Pool

TESIMAX Service package guidelines


We accept protection suits only in a correctly decontaminated state. You must also tell us what hazardous materials each suit has come in contact with.

Please enclose a brief description of the use to which each suit (serial number/external ID number) has been put, what harmful substances it was exposed to and the duration of exposure.

The zip of the chemical protection suit must be closed immediately after preliminary decontamination and doffing.

The item’s decontamination and preparation for transport must be carried out according to national legal regulations by the fire brigade or the responsible authority (in Germany according to national firefighter service regulation FwDV 500).

Delivery and collection service

You can either send your chemical protection suits to one of the two delivery points yourself or we organise collection for you anywhere in Europe within our normal business hours.

The conditions must be fulfilled in advance!

Further procedure

When we receive your protection suits we inspect them and draw up a cost estimate according to the prices listed on the current (annual) Service Pool flyer.

Once you have approved the estimate, repairs of your protection suits begin.

Ablauf Tesimax – Kunde

*es muss ein gültiges SERVICE-Abkommen (SERVICEPOOL-FLYER) mit Tesimax vorab zustande gekommen sein.

For you to download: